Escape to Oregon

Lauren Hatmaker

March 28, 2024

Local Mortgage Report

Welcome to your Local Mortgage Report. My name is Lauren Hatmaker.

We have a lot of visitors who come to Oregon and fall in love with our beautiful outdoor spaces, like our forests, our mountains, our rivers, and our beautiful ocean access.

We have clean air, clean water, and an excellent quality of life.

I love to talk to visitors who dream of moving to Oregon someday to raise their family or even retire.

I recently met with a couple who plan to finish working in two years.

They want to settle in Eugene, but they aren’t quite ready to move permanently.

We found them a vacation home loan for just 10% down.

Now, they can visit as much as they like and even work remotely sometimes.

Call us today if you want to figure out how to purchase your peace of the Oregon experience.

WebSized Eugene

Lauren Hatmaker
Direct: 541-510-8428
Office: 541-972-8620
NMLS 1433297