Conventional Home Possible for Lower Payments w/ Matt Boytz

Lauren Hatmaker

May 1, 2023

Local Mortgage Report

Welcome to your Local Mortgage Report. My name is Lauren Hatmaker, and today I have my colleague Matthew Boytz and he’s going to talk to us about a new program that’s just expanded.

Thanks, Lauren.

Do you make less than $84,000 per year and live in Lane County?

Home lending programs have had greatly expanded guidelines, which give us much lower rates and payments for certain borrowers that make less than the income cap for their county.

Recently, a Realtor reached out to me for a second opinion for one of his buyers.

I reviewed their income and made an apples-to-apples comparison between our programs and the loan they were quoted by their online lender.

I found out we could offer a rate almost two full percentage points lower than the other lender, or he could save $8,000 in fees for the purchase of their manufactured home.

If you want to save money on your payment and your fees, call us today for a second opinion – We make it easy!

Join us again every Wednesday, during the 6:30 news, for your Local Mortgage Report.

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Lauren Hatmaker
Direct: 541-510-8428
Office: 541-972-8620
NMLS 1433297